Spiritual Awareness Group

This is a group for you who’s main desire in life is to realize your divine nature. Sanhia calls this ascension. We have been working with this intention for years and invite you to join us in the process. The commitment is to confront and embrace feelings, to be aware of thoughts, to give up victimhood, and to take responsibility for life. Sanhia calls this Spiritual Awareness. Each member will have an opportunity to talk with Sanhia one-on-one about their current awakening process.

Zoom groups may meet just one time or occur monthly for a six-month term.  The sessions last for two to three hours and are recorded. These are sent out to each member. All sessions are in English, though where appropriate, translation will be provided

Request a Group

If you are drawn to join a Spiritual Awareness Online Group but find the available times to not be accommodating for you either because of your time zone or the day of the week, please send us information including your location and days/times that can work. We'll see if we can put a group together for you.