
Welcome to Earth. Your divine self has been planning this adventure, setting things up to encourage the likelihood of you realizing your awakening or ascension. Your higher self knew that you would forget the truth of your divinity when you entered the physical realm. That is what happens.

Numerology is an ancient intuitive science that has appeared in different formats in most cultures. Sanhia has taught how to apply this knowledge specifically to the process of ascension or spiritual awakening.

A special map was created to help you remember the plan. This map is called “a love letter from your higher self”. It can also be called your numerology chart. The “you” that emerges from the chart will be recognized. Some time capsules were planted along the way, events that might trigger your awareness.

The numerology chart is a way of understanding the “earthly you”. The chart is divided into two sections comprised of various positions. The first group is called the name numbers, derived from the letters of your birth name. They represent the truth of who you seem to be.  For example, your motivation number shows what gets you going. If you deny that aspect or don’t believe that that is what you want, you may get stuck in the mud, unable to progress much farther. A part of awakening is the accepting of your uniqueness. The chart is there to guide you to your own inner truth. When you do what others think is “right” or you believe is acceptable, you deny what is within you. The truth can only be found there.

The second group is called the birth numbers, which are calculated from your date of birth. They communicate about the events that your higher self is creating so that you can realize your purpose here. These numbers talk about what is happening in your life, seemingly outside of your control, but designed to lead you home. Learning to welcome your life path is a divine gift.

Using your chart is like having training wheels. The sense of self that is provided compares to the lower rungs of your spiritual ladder. At these rungs, the world feels separate. Things don’t happen as you want them to. Understanding and choosing to grow with rather than resisting your path is necessary. Eventually you do that automatically, accepting what is as the perfect thing. As you climb the ladder you will find that you can go to deeper and deeper levels with numerology. As you near the top, the ladder disappears; it was never actually there. You then have less use for your chart, thought it still might provide an amusing diversion.

Lao Tzu said that the way that can be explained is not the true Way.  Words can only approximate truth.  However, numbers don’t lie.  Numbers are truth, but the words used to explain those numbers are not. Words can attempt to focus your verbal understanding of that essence, but ultimately it is a truth that is felt.  The meaning of the numbers in your chart can only be intuited, as can the relationships between vibrations in different positions.

There is no such thing as having a good or bad chart. Yours is perfectly in line with your pre-life intention. The information is not always comfortable to receive, but it is rarely truly surprising.  Know yourself through numerology and you can open up to a realization of your divinity.

Motivation - the inner you

Your MOTIVATION POSITION represents the primary way that you view the world. It is through the MOTIVATION that your higher self speaks to you. It represents what you most want, how you deeply wish to be, and what types of people or situations you are drawn to.

Personality - the outer you

Your PERSONALITY POSITION represents how you automatically act and respond to the world, without conscious intention. This is the OUTER shell of you that others see and react to. You see yourself more from the perspective of your MOTIVATION, but you operate and are perceived more from the perspective of your PERSONALITY.

Life path - what is happening to you

The LIFE PATH POSITION represents the major way that life seems to act upon you. It often feels to you as if this is an outside force that is neither part of you nor controllable by you. The truth is that you and your higher self planned these experiences and this energy before your birth in order to encourage a certain type of spiritual development.