The Five-Step Process

5-Step Process

The unvarnished truth from Sanhia

You are a divine being. Your divine power created this universe and your body. From your present point of view this may all be difficult to accept. Ascended beings fully realize these truths. You can give intention for your ascension. Your inner divinity knows that there are no accidents, that you could never be a victim, and that you have created every event in your life. The purpose for all these events has always been a loving one. The goal has been the conscious realization of your divinity. Spiritual Awareness is a process for noticing where untrue beliefs are being held that cause suffering, along with being aware of emotions and physical discomforts in the body. The method offered here to face emotional and physical pain is called the five-step process. The steps are outlined to the right.

You may attempt to lead yourself through the five-step process. This might prove to be difficult at first. Therefore, the process has been recorded. Be advised that there are often gaps of time to allow work to be done. If the gaps are not long enough, feel free to pause the recording until it is time to continue. Congratulations, in advance, on doing a wonderful work with Spiritual Awareness.

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Notice the area in  life that seems to be causing emotional, spiritual, mental, and/or physical pain. This will be referred to as “your old story”. State it succinctly in, preferably, a single sentence. Saying it out loud is good. “Your old story” is what the ego mind thinks is true. Sometimes uncomfortable energy  is being carried in the body, but not seemingly connected to a particular story. In such cases “your old story” is that there is this pain in the body. Then go on to the second step.


Focus on where discomfort is most felt in the body. Close the eyes, relax, breathe slowly and deeply, and turn off the thoughts. This can be done this by imagining there is a switch on the side of the head. See it being flipped to the off position. Now, pay attention to the discomfort in the body. Do not judge, label, or try to get rid of the feeling. Simply accept it, let it be, and let it do whatever it wishes to do. Become one with the feeling and embrace it with love. Stay with it. If thoughts begin surfacing, let them go and come back to the physical sensation. When the feeling calms down, perhaps becoming warmer and lighter, move the energy to the heart chakra. Then, on the exhalations, see it move slowly out of the heart chakra on a laser-like beam into the universe. Continue breathing until the energy is largely removed from the heart.


Take full responsibility for having created “this old story”, knowing that as a divine being it could be no other way. Taking responsibility out loud is good. Even though there may not yet understanding, there is a reminder that the creation came out of love, having chosen the best way to realize personal divinity.


From the depth of the heart listen to the inner guidance. State it positively and if others are involved don’t require any individual to play a certain role. Trust Spirit to find the one who will fit. Your job is to trust and follow the guidance. Spirit’s job is to bring it to life. Repeating the guidance out loud is good. Most likely there will be feelings of love, peace, and joy. If not, find a way to restate the guidance until there is.


It isn’t always possible to get to the deepest point of “your old  story” at once. Therefore, similar feelings could appear at some point in the future. If so, congratulations for noticing and as soon as possible begin the five-step process over again. This is not the released energy from the previous process returning; that  movement was  permanent. Deeper levels of false belief are being faced.  Eventually there will be no reason for repetition.

The five-step process is explained with greater detail and nuance in parts of the following messages:

Is a long life something to be valued?

Why should how I act make any difference if nothing matters?

How should I deal with my strong feelings?

It seems like the world is falling apart; how can I deal with my fear?

How can I let go of grief?

How long will the Coronavirus last?

Why is it so difficult to let go of the illusion of the world?

How do I give it to Spirit?

Do you confuse cause and effect? 

How do you define yourself?

What spiritual practices should I be doing? (Part 2)

Can you tell more about being in the now?

What if my “old stories” are good ones?

Do I need to transform all of my fears before I can ascend?

Why do negative things keep happening to me?

What can I gain by letting go of control?

Is suffering a necessary part of my spiritual path?

How can I feel more grateful?

Are you afraid of the dark?

What can I do about my dis-ease or ailment?

How can I get the ying and yang energy in harmony within me?

How do I create dis-ease?

How do I deal with my environmental fears?

How can I realize my purpose?

Are aging and death certain?

How can I step out of the mass consciousness?

Why is intention necessary?

How do violence and guilt relate to sexuality?

What do you mean when you say I preplanned this life?

Why is it important to balance my masculine and feminine energy?

What can I do when things are less than perfect?

How can I reduce stress in my life?

Do you believe in a punishing God?

What do you mean by my “old story”?

How does the ego divide and conquer?