Transform Fear to Love

Spiritual Alchemy session

Spiritual Awareness Session

What is a Spiritual Awareness session?

Confront, embrace, and transform your fears into love, give up victimhood and take responsibility for your life – this is Spiritual Awareness. A Spiritual Awareness session will help you transmute fears into love. You can have an individual session with Michael or Ulla. You can also have a combined session to experience a harmonious balance of feminine and masculine energies.

Ulla Lindgren

Spiritual Awareness Session
with Ulla

A session may focus on:

  • transforming fear to love
  • true forgiveness; “let go and let God”
  • nurturing your inner strength and spiritual power
  • perceiving more clearly your divine self and its guidance
  • any specific questions/issues you might have

The following tools might be utilized:

  • channeling the divine presence of love
  • the five-step process (for transforming fear into love)
  • individually guided meditation
  • toning

Sessions can be conducted in Swedish or English

Spiritual Awareness Session
with Michael/Sanhia

A session may focus on:

  • transforming fear to love
  • true forgiveness; “let go and let God”
  • your purpose
  • your spiritual, physical, emotional, or mental challenges
  • your relationships
  • any specific questions/issues you might have

The following tools might be utilized:

Sessions are conducted in English

Spiritual Awareness Joint Session
with Ulla and Michael/Sanhia

Joint sessions may also provide:

  • a harmonious balance of feminine and masculine energy
  • all the tools and focuses available in individual sessions
  • the ability to work with Swedish and English simultaneously


  • deals more with the emotional blocks, moving the energy, and connecting to your inner guidance


  • provides the bigger picture through numerology and focus on life purpose and divine nature
Michael & Ulla 4

How is a session conducted and scheduled?

Sessions are conducted in English or Swedish (Ulla) over Zoom (select “Online session” in your reservation). If you are in Järna, Sweden, you can see us in person (select “Järna/Sweden session” in your reservation). If you want a joint session, Michael/Sanhia together with Ulla (select the service “Joint session”). In your reservation select the type “Transform Fear to Love”. You will occasionally be able to see us in person when we are traveling. See Travel Schedule. Sessions are 90 minutes.

Whenever you do a session with Michael/Sanhia, we also make your numerology chart so please provide your birth and name data needed to calculate your chart as a reference for the session. It is crucial that you fill in the correct data. A numerology chart always looks at your data at birth – ie your birth date and the full name that your parents gave you (the one that is on your birth certificate). If in doubt, enter a question in the appointment form when you order a session.

Reserve your appointment in the calendar.


Make your booking and pay directly online. Select if you want an online session (skype or zoom) or if you wish to come to visit us in Järna (Sweden). If you are booking a session from the traveling page, then you will see the venue address in the schedule.


All our prices are in Swedish Krona and we provide you with an approximate translation to dollars and euros. Your payment is processed securely through Stripe.

Individual Session: 

SEK 1400 / $134 / €123

Joint Session: 

SEK 2100 / $201 / €185

Additional cost for chart in first time numerology session is 250 SEK ($24 / € 22)