When am I finally going to experience my ascension?

The basic topic of all my messages is ascension, the realizing of your divinity. For some of you, this is a rather new concept or one that you haven’t explored deeply. If that is the case for you, I suggest that you go back and read some of the earlier messages that deal with this subject, either on the website or in the book God Blesses You: Ascension Message from Sanhia.  Some of you who have been working with ascension for some time have the questions “When am I finally going to realize my divinity? How long is this going to take?” For those of you who read the message last month, the short answer to those questions is to give them to Spirit, as you give everything to Spirit. You give it to Spirit in the spirit of ignorance. You don’t know anything about the timing or importance of the realization of your ascension. If you are looking at it from the ego standpoint, your ascension is about you. “When do I get mine? I don’t give a crap about anybody else! When am I going to get out of this hellhole, get rid all of this shit in my life, stop being born again to parents who – well you know how parents are – and bring an end to teachers, police, governments, war, and rape? When do I get out of all of this?” Even though you might deny that you look on your ascension in quite that light, if you are honest with yourself you really do. You might not word things in quite that way, because you want to convince God that you are such a saint, but there is ego selfishness and separation involved in any desire to experience your divinity now. When you feel that urgency, you can never experience your divine perfection, because you are not coming from the truth of you.

We started with the short answer, now it is time for the medium depth and length response. You absolutely need to give the timing to Spirit and give up all attachment to when you will realize your divinity. This is not your decision. That belongs to Spirit. If it were up to you, the choice would really belong to the ego. But, the ego can never choose oneness. Its existence is based on separation. Ascension is about realizing oneness. To demand something from Spirit is an act of separation. This keeps you stuck where you are. You can’t possibly realize your ascension until you don’t care whether you experience it or not. You are absolutely unattached. Some of you have said to me that you really want to heal some problem. Perhaps it is with a health issue or finances or relationships. When these desires are expressed, I look you in the eye (as much as I am capable of doing that) and say, “What do you want more; to realize your ascension or to heal that issue?” If you choose the worldly desire, I encourage you to ask Spirit for support, but remind you that you will continue to live in hell, no matter what Spirit does. Until your desire for ascension is the number one thing in your life, it will not occur. You will continue to cycle through incarnations until your priorities shift. There is no judgment of you involved. You are welcome to take as long as you wish. On the other hand, if you are one who has chosen ascension, and you have surrendered everything else to Spirit, it is time to surrender your desire for ascension also. The realization of your divinity will happen at the perfect moment. Your only job is to be present, to listen to and follow Spirit.

Now let’s move on to the more fully developed answer to this ascension timing question. Spirit has a master plan for you and for every other human. You can choose to play your role in that master plan or you can listen to ego. To fully play your role you give everything to Spirit. You are then told what to do and you do it. Your ego fear is that relinquishing direction to Spirit will leave you forced to go against your own will. Actually, your will and Spirit’s are one, but you are only partially aware of what yours truly is. There may be significant things for you to do in a body in order to support others in bodies in following their part of the divine plan. If you were to realize your ascension today, to leave behind this physicalness, you would be unable to carry out this part of the plan. You couldn’t fully play your role. You could work as I do, but that is not what Spirit has set up for you right now or you would be doing it. Your task is to listen to Spirit to find out what your present purpose is and then do it. In previous messages we have called this Right Livelihood. It is doing what you came here to do, absolutely and with full integrity. The only way that you can do this is to acknowledge that you have no idea what you are here to do. Whatever you think it is, that is at best only a piece of it. Let Spirit guide you. Spirit will present you with what you are here to do and what to say. You have a gift to offer to the other divine beings around you. It is the same gift that Spirit is offering you. First you receive it from Spirit; then you give it others. In fact you don’t fully receive it until you do share it with others. The giving and the receiving are one, as are you and the others, along with Spirit and God. Spirit will let you know when It is through with you, and you have completed your function on earth. It is on Spirit’s time, not yours. You don’t have a say in this. Your say would be from the ego.

Many of you believe that your ascension is something that you earn, perhaps through good works. Your ascension is not earned. It is extended to you through the grace of God. When you fully receive the grace of God, which comes when you let go of everything else; you realize your divinity. The grace of God is with you now, and has always been with you. But you are not receiving it. It is this process of surrendering to Spirit that allows you to open to the grace of God. It comes to you through the messages and guidance of Spirit. As you share with others what Spirit has given, you begin to realize this grace, not as a learning, but as a knowing. How much sharing will it take until you know? Give that to Spirit. It is none of your business. That is the question of the ego, which only wants to know the answer so it can throw a monkey wrench into the gears to slow down the process. The true appearance of God is the disappearance of the ego. It is not for you to know. It is not for you even to wonder. Your ascension is part of a divine plan. It will come at the perfect time for the ascension of all. Nobody’s ascension is complete until everybody’s ascension is realized. It is not just about you. We are all one. If you are still in a body, that is Spirit’s purpose. If you are concerned about the status of your body – your health or your aging process – give that to Spirit. You can’t choose to leave your body in order to experience your divinity, because there is nothing real for you to leave. The body is an illusion. You can’t leave something that is not there. When your desire can only be fulfilled by ascension, you have given the body an importance that it doesn’t have. You have created an impossible situation. If you are ascended you would have no desire to be ascended, because that is all that you are and have always been. The desire proves that you are in illusion.

The only way to make the jump is to let go of every part of the illusion and give it to Spirit. Receive back whatever Spirit sends you. When the next confusion is felt, give it to Spirit. And on and on until there is nothing remaining to let go of and Spirit is fully directing your life. When the time comes where the Oneness benefits by you no longer being in a body, you will realize your ascension. In the meantime, just let go and enjoy the ride.

God Blesses You,


November 1, 2017 2283Ascension, Attachment, Divine Nature, Ego, Gift, Grace, Illusion, Oneness, Purpose, Sanhia Message