How do I create dis-ease?

In the last message I talked about the two minds, the brain-mind and the belly-mind. Your brain-mind is more connected with the masculine energy or the direct mental communication with the higher self, while your belly-mind is more connected with the feminine energy and relating to the physical world and its sensual experiences. It is your brain-mind that always chooses and focuses the energy, having intention, and, it is your belly-mind that is in a constant state of unconditional love and acceptance, simply flowing with what is. What I call ascension is this place where your brain-mind and your belly-mind are in absolute harmony and balance. I spoke of the importance of your brain-mind  surrendering to your belly-mind so that experience of peace and love can be had. In that nurturing space your brain-mind can choose with clarity.

That place where your brain-mind and your belly-mind meet is the spiritual heart or the heart chakra. We speak of coming from the heart. The Swedish have an expression “att tänka med hjärta” that translates to ”if you think with your heart”. When we say ”coming from the heart”, we are saying two things. We are saying that you are coming from a place of unconditional love, but we are also saying that you are coming from a place of absolute integrity. When you are true to yourself, you are true to your heart. But, how can you hear your heart? You can only do so if your brain-mind is quiet. If your brain-mind is full of chatter, if it is expressing fears and doubts and limitations, Spirit is drowned out. This quieting can be achieved through meditation or any other technique that turns over the power to your belly-mind. The five-step process is designed to do just that.

With the surrender of your brain-mind, your belly-mind can hold that place of unconditional love and acceptance. Your body is no longer experiencing fear in the form of pain or dis-ease or emotional discomfort. There is instead a sense of peace and warmth. However, if your brain-mind insists upon holding on to control, it becomes self-destructiveness. It holds a story that doesn’t serve you and isn’t aligned with your divine self. This will eventually become dis-ease in your body, but immediately there is a discomfort.

What happens when your brain-mind has the intention to let go, to shut down and let your belly-mind take over? Your belly-mind sees the energies in your body for what they truly are, expressions of love. It realizes the absolute peace, tranquility, and love of the infinite. Then your brain-mind is re-engaged in a state of unconditional self-love. In this nurturing culture that your belly-mind has allowed to engulf the body and especially the spiritual heart, your brain-mind can choose what it is that you want to make manifest. This union of your two minds happens in your spiritual heart. This is not the choice that would please your parents, your partner, your friends, or your superiors. It is the answer to the question ”What is mine to do?” or ”What is my purpose?” Your brain-mind is also able to see a larger picture. It can recognize its power and the part it has played in creating what has been.

Your two minds can only meet in your spiritual heart. If all the energy is focused in the realm of your belly-mind, there will be a state of unconditional love and acceptance without movement or action. It will not be possible to fulfill your pre-life plan. If the energy is focused in the realm of your brain-mind, the connection with love is severed and your choices will be directed by fear and could become ruthless. They meet in the center. Your brain-mind initiates the process by giving full power to your belly-mind. Your belly-mind transforms your bodily vibrations to one of tranquility which it focuses in your spiritual heart, and your brain-mind is invited back in to direct the energy from your true desires. This is what I call Spiritual Alchemy. Your full purpose may evolve gradually as you operate from the heart. There is no hurry. Feel free to follow your heart one step at a time. Or shoot for the moon.

God Blesses You,


May 1, 2014 2425Acceptance, Ascension, Creation, Five-step Process, Health, Intention, Masculine And Feminine, Physical Body, Power, Purpose, Sanhia Message, Spiritual Alchemy