Sanhia Messages
By date (from most recent)
Does peace of mind lead to stagnation?
This question comes from a reader who writes, “I have a nagging question about peace of mind. Doesn’t that lead to stagnation? When people stop […]Read Full Post »How do I deal with addictions?
We’ve received several questions from individuals who find that dealing with addictions is a major component in their lives. Often this takes the form of […]Read Full Post »How can pain be a gift?
The following was taken from a recent group session. Sanhia: If the now includes a feeling of pain … that is perfect. Participant One: It […]Read Full Post »Can you explain more about personal will and God’s Will?
The following was taken from a recent group session. Participant One: I have a question about the Will of God. Is it our awakened will? […]Read Full Post »How can I learn to love myself?
We have a question that came in response to the previous message on co-dependency. It is paraphrased here. Many of our problems seem to come […]Read Full Post »Can you explain to us about co-dependency?
This question surfaced in a group several months ago, but now the time has come to respond to it. We will begin by talking about […]Read Full Post »Is a long life something to be valued?
We had a question from a reader in Taiwan who wrote (and I am paraphrasing): Life in its natural state is pure energy, so why […]Read Full Post »Why should my goal be to not set any goals?
A question has arrived from a member of a recent online group. I had lightly mentioned during the session that it could be your goal not to […]Read Full Post »How can I see ego as perfect?
In duality there is Spirit and there is ego. Most spiritual seekers label Spirit as good and ego as bad. In oneness there is no […]Read Full Post »Why do you tell stories?
Now it is my turn to ask the question. Why do you tell stories? As you cannot hear the tone in my voice, please understand […]Read Full Post »Why should how I act make any difference if nothing matters?
Whoa! That was a somewhat long question, so I may give you a somewhat long answer. We’ll see how it comes out. I’m just in the now. […]Read Full Post »How should I deal with my strong feelings?
There is a significant difference between noticing a feeling that comes up in your now and defining yourself by that feeling and accepting it as […]Read Full Post »How do I deal with distraction?
We had a request from a reader to talk about the subject of distraction. What is meant by distraction? We could say that distraction is […]Read Full Post »Why is it so hard for me to find my perfect relationship?
It is so hard for you to find your perfect relationship because you are looking, as the song goes, in all the wrong places. You […]Read Full Post »How am I to deal with disease?
The message this month is perhaps going to be a little different. We are going to speak about sickness with a special focus upon Michael […]Read Full Post »Why can’t I hear Spirit more clearly?
When you have a situation where you think you might want to have outside support – from Me or from somewhere else – what would […]Read Full Post »Is the illusion a mistake?
This time there is no easy quick answer to this question that wouldn’t require a lot of explanation. We need to take a good look […]Read Full Post »Is it good to have a support group?
Always! The primary value of a support group is to remind you of the truth. Most of the world is absolutely insane. Everything you experience […]Read Full Post »It seems like the world is falling apart; how can I deal with my fear?
We wish to begin by returning to our definition of reality. It is quite simple. Something is real if it never changes. Anything that can […]Read Full Post »How can I be sure I am on the right path?
All of these questions are enjoyable, but this one is really fun. When you think about it, and I do know that some you of […]Read Full Post »How will I be able to tell that I am awake?
It is fun to be back to a question this month. The short answer to this query is that you won’t be able to. You […]Read Full Post »What if there is no question?
If there was an order of difficulty in the illusion, which of course there isn’t, this would be a slam dunk set-up. This absolutely is […]Read Full Post »What part do my old relationships play in my awakening process?
More likely than not, all your relationships could be called “old” relationships. You have a story about each one of them, from those recently formed […]Read Full Post »How can I see the world through Spirit’s eyes?
Often in the past, which of course does not exist, We have talked about the difference between how your ego perceives the world and how it […]Read Full Post »Do I create my reality or does Spirit?
It seems that this month’s question is one of those chicken or egg quandaries. Let’s begin in this manner. When you say “I”, that means […]Read Full Post »Why is it so difficult to accept everything that happens in my world?
I agree with you. It does feel hard. The ego way, the way you have all been taught in one form or another, is to […]Read Full Post »Can I learn how to channel?
The short answer to this question is yes, anyone can learn to channel. The first extension to that response comes in the form of another […]Read Full Post »Can you give us some inspiration?
It is always fun to take different approaches, to look at things in different ways. Sometime during the past year we looked at the question of […]Read Full Post »What stands between me and my awakening?
All of these questions come from the ego. There is a certain irony involved in this in that the ego is asking questions about awakening […]Read Full Post »What do we do with the war in Ukraine?
I have been asked to address the war in Ukraine. The first thing to notice is who is whispering in your ear and triggering fear. The answer without […]Read Full Post »Are any beliefs sacred?
Every spiritual path has beliefs built into it. Religions are filled with doctrines that are “written in stone”. Most of the less formal groups or […]Read Full Post »What is freedom?
If you are an American, you have been told since you were young that you live in the land of the free. Freedom is the […]Read Full Post »Will you speak to us again about the Coronavirus?
It is time to revisit our friend the Coronavirus. It has been nearly two years since I last devoted messages to this subject. I encourage […]Read Full Post »Is there a difference between awakening and ascension?
This question has come up recently. We have been using the term awakening quite a bit lately. People are wondering if that word means the […]Read Full Post »Why not now?
Usually with these messages I’m answering a question that someone has asked, or I’m dealing with something that came up in a discussion or conversation with […]Read Full Post »Should we still be doing the forgiveness process?
I know how some of you react when you hear fingernails being drawn along a blackboard. The sensation is immediate and leaves you shuddering. If […]Read Full Post »Can you give a few more hints on how to go about finding the truth?
In the last message we talked about what you can trust and about finding the truth. I gave you some hints as to how to […]Read Full Post »Sanhia, how can we trust that the things you are telling us are true?
Wow, that is a question that gets right down to the nub! How can you trust that anything you are reading or hearing from me, or […]Read Full Post »How can I get control over my ego?
Wow, what a fun question this is! There are so many different aspects to it that I hardly know where I want to begin. Let’s start […]Read Full Post »How can I let go of grief?
To begin with, you can never let go of anything by pretending that it’s not there. You don’t get over grief by acting as if […]Read Full Post »Can you explain more about others being my mirror?
We will start at the beginning here, well not all of the way at the beginning, but at the beginning of the story about mirrors. […]Read Full Post »If the world is an illusion, why does it matter what I do?
That is a very good question, though all questions are very good questions. It sounds as if it might be a question from the ego […]Read Full Post »If the world is an illusion, why does it feel so real?
The ego is many things, but one thing that it is not is dumb. Your ego is very clever and incredibly fast. It has convinced […]Read Full Post »Are love and hate opposites?
One common question when looking at this world of duality, this illusion of opposites, is to ask if hate is the opposite of love. That’s […]Read Full Post »Do I have to surrender my personal identity in order to ascend?
In the past few messages we have talked a little about the subject of one’s personal identity, the sense of self. The questions come flying […]Read Full Post »How do I deal with my fear of death?
There is a popular saying that goes, “There is nothing certain but death and taxes”. Within the illusion we would agree that death is certain. […]Read Full Post »What is the difference between judgment and discernment?
I have been asked the question of what the difference is between judgment and discernment. What a question! I’m kind of looking forward to hearing […]Read Full Post »How can I deal with my feelings of hopelessness?
Everyone while on their spiritual path experiences moments of hopelessness. It can feel like a terrible thing, something that can never be overcome. It’s just too […]Read Full Post »What part, if any, should prayer play in my spiritual path?
Prayer is both more and less than what you think it is. That’s how it is in duality, folks. There are two sides to every […]Read Full Post »Is compassion an important tool for awakening?
Many people would say that on their list of the qualities of a spiritual person, compassion would be near the top. If I were making […]Read Full Post »What is the nature of power?
One of the greatest concerns or questions of humans is about the nature of power. Most of you, probably all of you, have some issues with […]Read Full Post »Is the ego part of me or is it separate?
We talk about the ego a lot. People are sometimes a little confused about what the ego actually is. Is it a real entity? Is […]Read Full Post »How long will the Coronavirus last?
Interestingly, in the past five years there were two messages that drew the greatest attention. First was the perspective on the election of Donald Trump […]Read Full Post »What is the meaning of the Coronavirus?
With the Coronavirus everybody is on the same page. You can search through your memory banks and be unable to find another time when the […]Read Full Post »How can I become One with God?
A common statement or intention expressed through many spiritual disciplines is that of becoming one with God. People ask me,”What in the hell does that […]Read Full Post »Why is it so difficult to let go of the illusion of the world?
Most people have this experience – we could call it schizophrenia – where on the one hand they understand the spiritual truth of pure non-dualism […]Read Full Post »How can I be a better parent?
In the last message we talked about the relationship you had with your parents, about taking responsibility for all that happened and forgiving them and […]Read Full Post »How can we not see children as innocent victims?
It’s a funny thing, but I have never talked to a human who didn’t have parents. Sometimes, one might not know who his birth mother was; […]Read Full Post »How do I give it to Spirit?
We have been talking for years about giving it to Spirit. People have been asking me lately just what that means and how to actually go […]Read Full Post »Is it part of my purpose to help heal others?
As you are working with your spiritual process, with realizing your Divinity, with noticing you are listening to a voice, with learning to discern whether […]Read Full Post »Do I have to be perfect to ascend?
We have been covering a lot of territory in the past few messages, talking about pure non-duality, confusing cause and effect, accepting everything that comes […]Read Full Post »What is meant by pure non-duality?
We have been talking about the illusion. The last message dealt with acceptance and analysis while the preceding one considered cause and effect. All of […]Read Full Post »Am I really supposed to accept everything that happens to me?
In any situation when something happens, you have the choice to listen to the voice of ego or the voice of Spirit. If you listen […]Read Full Post »Do you confuse cause and effect?
One of the biggest confusions that the ego throws into every situation is its determination of what the “cause” is and what the “effect” is. […]Read Full Post »Can we create heaven on earth?
Can we create heaven on earth? This is an exceedingly popular question, one that many spiritual practices and teachers give much energy to. Most people […]Read Full Post »What if this was the last day of your life?
A question that sometimes is asked of a person, often in connection with their spiritual path, is “What would you do if you had but […]Read Full Post »Do we have free will?
The question of whether or not humans have free will has always been a hot topic. The answer is yes…..and no. In the duality there […]Read Full Post »Is there any place for fun on the ascension path?
The last several messages have been somewhat intense, so I thought we would have a little more fun this time. In this message we will […]Read Full Post »Are other people a part of the illusion?
In the previous message we talked about the illusion, and I meant every word I said. Now, it is time for some balancing words. It […]Read Full Post »What do you mean when you call the world an illusion?
We have talked many times about the illusion, but there has never been a single message fully describing what is meant by this term. Now […]Read Full Post »Why is it so hard for me to forgive?
It may seem that forgiveness is a common topic in these messages. That is true. It is true because there is probably no single concept […]Read Full Post »How can we deal with the world immigration problem?
I have been asked to say some words about the issues of racism, immigration, and the reactive rise of conservative political parties around the world. There […]Read Full Post »How do you define yourself?
Today’s question, rather than being one that is asked of me, is one I wish to ask of you. The question is “How do you […]Read Full Post »How can I see the divinity in other people?
We had a message several years ago about seeing the divinity in others. Some people have said that this is quite a challenge for them. They see […]Read Full Post »What spiritual practices should I be doing? (Part 2)
In the previous message we began discussing the question of what spiritual practices you should do, focusing primarily on those that touch on the physical […]Read Full Post »What spiritual practices should I be doing? (Part 1)
Many of you wonder about what spiritual practices you should be doing. What is necessary? What is important if you wish to realize your divine […]Read Full Post »When should I share my spiritual perspective with others?
A question that comes up for many people on their spiritual path is how much of their experience and knowledge is it appropriate to share […]Read Full Post »What is the difference between a special and a holy relationship?
One of the goals of most people, including those on a consciously chosen spiritual path, is to find that special relationship, that special person, that […]Read Full Post »Can you tell more about being in the now?
There is a lot of talk in spiritual circles about the “now”, such as “living in the now” or “be here now”. I hear confusion expressed about […]Read Full Post »What if my “old stories” are good ones?
We have talked many times about changing your “old stories”, taking responsibility for the things that trigger pain and suffering in your life, and facing […]Read Full Post »#MeToo?
Today I would like to make some comments on world events, the things going on around you right now. One of the biggest current happenings, […]Read Full Post »Do I need to transform all of my fears before I can ascend?
We will continue this month with the theme of ascension. Many of you are doing a wonderful work here, facing your fears and perhaps dealing […]Read Full Post »When am I finally going to experience my ascension?
The basic topic of all my messages is ascension, the realizing of your divinity. For some of you, this is a rather new concept or […]Read Full Post »What do you mean when you say to give it to Spirit?
People have a variety of reactions when I suggest they give something to Spirit. Some are upset at the thought and express that it feels […]Read Full Post »If the body is an illusion, why do I have one?
I have mentioned many times that the body, along with all physical manifestation, is an illusion. It is not real. It is not the truth […]Read Full Post »Is spirituality a hobby for you?
For some of you, the study and pursuit of spirituality is one of your favorite pastimes. You love to takes classes, read books, have sessions, […]Read Full Post »What tools are there for realizing ascension?
You deserve to be in a place of joy, love, and peace. The ego always pulls you away from your true inheritance from God. What […]Read Full Post »What Is the difference between ascension and enlightenment?
I have been talking about ascension for a long time. This has been the major focus since I began communicating through Michael over thirty years […]Read Full Post »Did Jesus die for our sins?
The holiday of Easter has just passed; perhaps some of you celebrated it. In the last message, we talked of love and sacrifice. In the […]Read Full Post »Does love require me to sacrifice?
There is a great confusion that intertwines love and sacrifice. It is this belief that if you love someone or something, you must make sacrifices […]Read Full Post »How do I discern Spirit from ego?
We have been encouraging you to choose love over fear, Spirit over the ego. Some of you have asked how to tell the difference. Right […]Read Full Post »Why do I feel abandoned by God?
Some of you have expressed anger to me – perhaps not directed at me, though you may have wanted to shoot the messenger – because […]Read Full Post »What is the difference between unity and oneness?
On day one of the new year (2017), I have been asked to speak about oneness. Interestingly, the universe is going into a ONE year […]Read Full Post »What can I do with the fear I feel over Trump’s election?
As some of you may be aware, there was a presidential election this past month (November 2016) in the United States. Oh! You are all […]Read Full Post »How do I move from a lack of faith to trust?
Trust is having faith that whatever is happening now is perfect. It allows you to be fully present in the now. The ego is not […]Read Full Post »Who are you?
When doing numerology readings through Michael, I usually begin by asking those souls, ”Who are you?” I ask them to use terms that are always […]Read Full Post »Why doesn’t money feel spiritual to me?
Michael just pointed out to me that we have never directly addressed money in these messages. Ulla says that money seems to be a problem […]Read Full Post »How can I deal with my karma?
I don’t believe that we have discussed karma in depth in these messages before, though there has been a reference or two. There is a […]Read Full Post »What do birthdays and deathdays have in common?
Everyone in your culture consciously embraces the anniversary of the birth, of the entrance into the illusion of physical reality. Your birthday is a big […]Read Full Post »Can you explain the terms ego and Spirit?
In past messages, we have used the terms ”ego” and ”Spirit”. Perhaps this is a good time to define what we mean by them. Those […]Read Full Post »How do my home and relationships affect my intention to ascend?
We talked several years ago about home and having a sense of home. I encourage you to reread that message, but we are going to talk a little […]Read Full Post »How does the ego divide and conquer?
There is a strategy that has been used throughout history by those who seek to take power from others called ”divide and conquer”. If one […]Read Full Post »Why is it hard to let go of victimhood?
In the last message, we talked about recognizing your “old story” and choosing to let it go. But, you really have to want to let […]Read Full Post »What do you mean by my “old story”?
For some of you there has been some confusion over the first step of the five-step process, misunderstanding the meaning of your ”old story”. Your ego tells […]Read Full Post »How should I celebrate Christmas?
I would like to talk about Christmas. This is the most important holiday in the western world. That is a confusing thing for some people, perhaps […]Read Full Post »How do I deal with the religious conflict in the Middle East?
We would like to further develop the previous message, What is a spiritual response to a world crisis?, beginning with the history of conflict in […]Read Full Post »What is a spiritual response to a world crisis?
As you are working with your own spiritual healing, realizing your personal ascension, and perhaps using the five-step process, there often seems to be a stark […]Read Full Post »Do you believe in a punishing God?
Let’s start by defining mass consciousness. Mass means a large number of people, though not all. Consciousness is the awareness that is in your mind. […]Read Full Post »How can I reduce stress in my life?
When you don’t see perfection in everything that is happening around you, or when you don’t experience the divinity in yourself and others, you may […]Read Full Post »What can I do when things are less than perfect?
In the last message I talked about seeing divinity in every person. This time I want to look at seeing perfection in everything. We will […]Read Full Post »Is there divinity in everyone?
I would like to suggest a small procedure for each of you to practice in addition to the five-step process. As you go through your day and […]Read Full Post »Why is it important to balance my masculine and feminine energy?
All of you in Western Civilization pay homage to the masculine above the feminine. This is not a criticism; it is simply an ”isness”. There […]Read Full Post »What can help me to forgive?
I have referred to mirrors off and on through the years. Those of you who have worked with me directly have heard me talk about […]Read Full Post »What do you mean when you say I preplanned this life?
Let’s start today by talking about the truth of who you are. You are divine. You are one with God. You are the creator of all […]Read Full Post »How do violence and guilt relate to sexuality?
In the last message we spoke of spirituality and sexuality. There are two issues dealing with this subject that we would like to go into […]Read Full Post »Do I have to choose between spirituality and sexuality?
There are many people who would never put spirituality and sexuality in the same sentence unless they were talking of contrasts or differences, but certainly […]Read Full Post »Why is intention necessary?
Many of you celebrate the birth of Jesus. There is a great deal of confusion about who Jesus was and what his significance is for […]Read Full Post »How can I step out of the mass consciousness?
We have talked a lot over the past messages about the five-step process, of your old stories and the changing of these stories. We have communicated […]Read Full Post »How important are special places and secret teachings?
There have always been special places on the planet which are known as power points, portals, energy vortexes, or by other names. You are still aware of […]Read Full Post »Are aging and death certain?
Your birthday may not be soon, but you can apply this message to your most recent celebration or to your upcoming one. Take your pick. You […]Read Full Post »How can I realize my purpose?
This is the time of year when many of you take a vacation. The focus is on taking time for yourself, relaxing, and doing what you […]Read Full Post »What are the real dynamics of rescuing?
Rescuing is a deeply ingrained part of your culture. You were raised with fairy tales about a damsel in distress, who is held captive by an evil knight […]Read Full Post »How do I deal with my environmental fears?
A question has been presented to me about how to deal with the world and its environmental problems. Your brain-mind may be asking, ”How can I and […]Read Full Post »How do I create dis-ease?
In the last message I talked about the two minds, the brain-mind and the belly-mind. Your brain-mind is more connected with the masculine energy or the direct […]Read Full Post »How can I get the ying and yang energy in harmony within me?
When most people think of the ”mind” they are referring to the thinking that comes out of the brain. This mind is the part of the human that directs energy and […]Read Full Post »What can I do about my dis-ease or ailment?
How are you feeling? This is a common question that friends ask upon meeting each other. Your response might be, ”Good”, or you might go […]Read Full Post »How does manifestation take place?
You planned this incarnation. You designed your physical type and your gender. You arranged to connect with other souls and to play significant roles in […]Read Full Post »Are you afraid of the dark?
For those of you in the northern hemisphere, when you have passed the darkest day of the year and have several months of winter weather […]Read Full Post »How can I feel more grateful?
The Christmas season is a time for feeling gratitude. In America there is also the holiday of Thanksgiving. However, it is always a good time to […]Read Full Post »Is suffering a necessary part of my spiritual path?
Most of you have heard of the expression ”No pain, no gain”. You may be an ardent proponent of that philosophy. I want to let […]Read Full Post »What can I gain by letting go of control?
Control is a double-edged sword. When you try to take command of situations, you lose control. When you let go of trying, you actually gain […]Read Full Post »How do my relationships fit into my ascension path?
Let’s talk some more about choosing your story. If the story you choose is fully grounded in unconditional love, it will unfold as you have […]Read Full Post »Why do negative things keep happening to me?
Are there situations that you are not pleased with? Do you feel victimized by others or by life? Do negative patterns in relationships persist in following […]Read Full Post »What am I to do with death?
We know that there is only love or fear to choose as a reaction in each moment. It is understood that love is true and that fear is […]Read Full Post »Is it helpful to honor the feminine energy?
It is no coincidence that women are beginning to assume positions of power on the planet. Not only are they being elected to office in increasing numbers, […]Read Full Post »How can I change the world?
For many people, the spiritual drive began with a desire to change the world. You looked out at the many problems afflicting the planet, maybe racism […]Read Full Post »Is it possible to ascend and be in a relationship?
Relationships are central to the healing process. Notice that when you created planet earth as the set for your personal movie, you filled it with […]Read Full Post »What is meant by Right Livelihood?
The Buddhists have a term called Right Livelihood, which is one of the Eightfold Paths. The Eightfold Paths list the ways to overcome suffering and […]Read Full Post »Is there really going to be a Last Judgment?
Some of you consider yourselves to be Christians and some of you don’t. Some of you have some healing to do with Christianity. I am more […]Read Full Post »Have you chosen ascension?
If you are not serious about ascension (some call it enlightenment), that’s okay. I would be the last one to try to talk you into it. If […]Read Full Post »What about the planetary ascension of 2012?
We were waiting for 2012 and the advent of planetary ascension for a long time, but now it has come and gone. Some of you […]Read Full Post »Why do I have so much drama in my life?
It is time to talk about drama. I will define drama as the belief that the events happening around you are real. In fact, these […]Read Full Post »What is the first step toward realizing my ascension?
How many of you have made a clear intention for ascension? Nothing happens in the universe until you ask for it. Ask and it shall be […]Read Full Post »Why should I take responsibility for what others do to me?
Some people have expressed concern that the concept of taking personal responsibility for what are seen as negative acts of others amounts to blaming the […]Read Full Post »Can you suggest a prayer for ascension?
As you are all aware, there is either love or fear in each moment of each life. Love is truth; fear is illusion – it is […]Read Full Post »Why have religions been male dominated?
The monotheistic movement, the change from a belief in many gods to the belief in one God, was a most significant event – actually quite […]Read Full Post »What does attachment mean?
For those of you not familiar with Buddhism, the Buddha left us the Four Noble Truths. Everyone suffers. Suffering comes from attachment. There can be […]Read Full Post »How can I protect myself from natural disasters?
Some of you have been concerned about the tsunami in Japan, whether about the death, the destruction, or the radioactive danger. Natural disasters are some of […]Read Full Post »What was the Arab Spring about?
Many of you are aware of some of the changes that have been going on in North Africa. While I don’t spend a lot of […]Read Full Post »What can I do when I feel like a victim?
For many of you the month of February can be the most difficult of months. You are through with winter, but winter is not through […]Read Full Post »How can I get more joy in my life?
This will reach many of you on New Year’s Day. Some of you will be making resolutions, so let me jump on that bandwagon. I […]Read Full Post »Will I ever fully heal myself?
Have you been working on your personal healing for years? Have you been doing a lot of “processing”? Does it sometimes feel like there is an […]Read Full Post »Can I love myself into ascension?
How many of you are successful at being your own worst critic? This is often touted as a valuable skill for those on the spiritual path. […]Read Full Post »Is there a conflict between politics and spirituality?
It is election season in the United States. That reminds me of something Jesus said, “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s”. I would like to do […]Read Full Post »What is confused in Christianity?
Many of you are Christian or come from a Christian background. Sometimes this causes confusion as your spiritual path opens and develops. I would like […]Read Full Post »Why is forgiveness important?
We have spoken about forgiveness with many of you before, but it is a topic that cannot be overdone. Forgiveness could be a daily focus; it […]Read Full Post »Do I deserve to have my desires fulfilled?
We have spoken about passion. Many questions have come from you on this topic, so we will take another leap into it. Some of you in your […]Read Full Post »What is the most appropriate way to honor Jesus?
Perhaps one of the subjects that is of greatest interest to those of you in the Western spiritual traditions is the Jesus lifetime. I wish to […]Read Full Post »Can I follow my passions?
I would like to talk about passion. It is the term I use to describe the feminine energy. Passion is the way that you focus your love […]Read Full Post »Are there ghosts or evil spirits?
A question has come in about dealing with evil spirits or energies such as ghosts. There are several levels from which to approach this question, but […]Read Full Post »What is the most valuable gift to give?
The celebration that you call Christmas has roots that go back far before the birth of Jesus. And, of course, as many of you know it […]Read Full Post »What is true thankfulness?
When Americans think of November, their thoughts eventually turn to the Thanksgiving holiday. However, thankfulness is a state of mind I encourage everyone to hold in all […]Read Full Post »